Golden Horse Award for
July, 2019

Jerry & Cyndy Lamphiear. July 2019 Golden Horse Award  

  Jerry & Cyndy Lamphiear have only been in the club for five years, but in that short time they have really opened up their hearts and home to us. It seems like they are always ready to help and support our activities, having hosted both Board Meetings and after parade gatherings at their home, and helping with the raffle and food donations. They have been helping Jerry’s aging parents who live in Washington State and have had to make several trips north this year in their motor home. His father needed back surgery at the VA hospital in Seattle the month before our car show, so they went up to help him, but the surgery was cancelled after he was already prepped. It was rescheduled for the week after the car show, and he insisted on driving home because he had promised to bring his motor home and car trailer for hospitality and storing the raffle prizes. Dan McCabe had contacted him and told him that we could make other arrangements, but he in-sisted on following through with his commitment.
The motor home and the trailer were invaluable for the car show because they provided us with a dry place to keep things during the day. After the car show they both looked like drowned rats, as we all did, but they stowed all the car show stuff back in the car trailer and took it home as they were heading back to Wash-ington the next morning. After they returned, he loaded all the stuff that went back to the club shed in his truck and brought it back to Frank’s on one of the hottest days in June. They had to leave the next day to go to British Columbia to see Cyndy’s mother who was also having surgery.
We feel that the way they have followed through with their commitments to the club this year, even with all that is going on in their lives, is going “above and beyond.” That is why Jerry & Cyndy Lamphiear are so deserving of the Golden Horse Award.